David Gauntlett-Theories of Identity (Catch Up Work)

  • British Sociologist & Media Theorist.
  • Explored the idea that the media provides us with 'tools' or resources that we use to construct our identities.
  • In the past media tended to convey singular straight-forward messages about ideal types of male and female identities. The media today offer us a more diverse range of stars, icons and characters from whom we may pick and mix different ideas.
  • Gauntlett's main ideas revolve around the empowerment Web 2.0 has had.
  • Web 1.0 = traditional media: television, radio, newspapers, film.
  • Web 2.0 = digital media: the internet, convergence of internet/TV/radio on mobile phones, YouTube, Twitter, blogs etc.
  • He believes the separate categories of 'producer' and 'audience' are collapsing.
  • Web 2.0 is creating social change. Society is becoming more active, making, doing and being creative.
