Political Positions of Newspapers (Catch Up Work)

Socialist/Left Wing
Rights for workers and minorities are key. It is believed that the rich benefit from exploiting the poor and that the system should end with a revolution.
Liberal/Left of Centre
Pretty 'middle of the road'. They tend to offer the most unbiased, objective perspective. It is believed that it is important to represent people from all minority groups and countries.
Conservative/Right of Centre
Uphold traditional values about Britishness, class, gender, etc: anti Labour and Lib Dems.  They don't like Britain being part of the EU, wary of immigration and pro-capitalist.
Nationalist/Right Wing
Incredibly Patriotic. They dislike change and are highly supportive of traditional values; anti-abortion, anti-same-sex marriage and heavily opposed to immigration. They believe Britain should be Britain for white British people.

Metro - ''Workhouses' For Teenage Mothers' - Liberal 
The Sun - 'Scrambled Clegg And Toast' -  Nationalist 
The Daily Telegraph - 'Ireland fights to stave off £77bn bail-out' - Conservative 
Morning Star -' Tax The Rich - don't rob the poor' - Socialist
The Independent - 'I am no longer sceptical. Now i have no doubt at all. Climate change is the major challenge facing the world' - Liberal
Daily Mail - 'Social Websites 'Harm A Child's Brain'' -  Nationalist 
Daily Express - 'Romanians Steal Man's Home' - Nationalist 
The Guardian - 'Minister Orders clean-up of convert policing' - Liberal 
The Times - 'Unions prepare ground for wave upon of strikes' - Conservative
Daily Mirror - 'Corrie Kym's Marriage Break-Up' - Liberal 


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