Marketing - the jungle book
Ways to market a film
- social media
- trailers / teaser trailers
- merchandise
- posters
- advertisements on television
- clothing
- promotions
- star names (large fan base)
- brand names
- franchise (e.g. McDonalds)
- word of mouth
- websites
- involves all of the deals done to get the films shown and promoted.
- promotion involved paid for 'above the line' advertising which will be funded as part of the project such as trailers an, spin offs, posters and billboards which are of mutual benefit to the film and another commercial agency. e.g. McDonalds Happy Meal with film theme.
- includes related merchandising and 'below the line' publicity which is not paid for but again generates mutual interest.
Marketing - the jungle book
Disney made several smart marketing choices during the lead-in to the release of the film that helped the hype and buzz for the film. They combined typical marketing approaches, special opportunities available only to Disney, and a few unique techniques and messaging particular to this film.
Disney's method- each layer fed into each of the previous layers - they began with the fan base, and then social media reached out to that fan base consistently later. The theme parks consistently offered the fan base more footage and merchandising, the stores targeted fans with merchandise, the trailers hammered home the Disney brand even when altering the tone and visual imagery for each age or gender demographic, and so on. So fans started out as the grassroots movement underlying the marketing, and then that foundation of fans were energized and built up at each new stage of marketing and promotion.
#ThroughMowglisEyes - VR experience
This helped emphasis the 'immersive world'.
Continuously pitched to male audiences on ESPN. Disney rolled out an action-orientated trailer during the Super Bowl.
Aimed at the Hispanic market, Disney teamed with Univision for a five-week stunt that bought 'the jungle book' characters and clips to telenovelas, talk shows and sports coverage.
Disney used dramatic photographs of the actors with their characters for older/adult audiences.
Advertising and Cross promotion
- Airbnb: ran a promotion offering $100 off tree houses listen on the service that was supported by a co-branded TV spot including footage from the movie.
- plenty of online ads were run as well, most of them using variations on the key art, sometimes in motion and sometimes not, along with Twitter and Facebook ads.
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