News Values-Catch Up Work

Galtung & Ruge 1973
Immediacy-Has it happened recently?
Familiarity-Is it culturally close to us in Britain?
Amplitude-Is it a big event that affects large numbers?
Frequency-Does that event happen often?
Unambiguity-Is it clear or definite?
Predictability-Did we expect it to happen?
Surprise-Is it a rare or unexpected event?
Continuity-Has it previously been defined as news?
Elite Nations/People-Big countries or celebrities?
Personalisation-Is it a human interest story?
Negativity-Is it bad news?
Balance-a fun story to balance bad news

Examples of headlines:
Negativity- 'Elderly woman's home burnt to a crisp' 
Familiarity- 'Windsor Castle broken into' 
Immediacy- 'Heatwave in Mid September'
Continuity- 'Madeline Spotted?'
Amplification- 'Train derailed, Killed 50'
Unambiguity- 'Boris' Brexit Bites Back' 
Uniqueness- 'Cheese string injures 70 year old' 
Simplicity- 'The cat decided to hop' 
Personalisation- 'Military couple reunite after 34 weeks apart and loss of dog' 
Predictability- 'Christmas lights are to be turned on late November' 
Unexpectedness- 'Disney's Defiantly Destroyed'  
Elite Nations/ People- 'Ariana Grande buys 3 pony's and a rottweiler'  
